The study assessed the relationship between business education student’s learning styles and their performance in shorthand in the college of education in North-west Zone, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, five research questions and four null hypotheses. Ex post facto research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 1,616 NCE 1 business education students in colleges of education in North-west Zone, Nigeria in 2015/2016 academic session. The sample was three hundred and sixty-four NCE 1 business education students from four federal colleges of education. The instruments used to generate data for the study were Perceptual Learning Styles Questionnaire (PLSQ) and students’ examination results in shorthand. Frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to test hypotheses one, two and three, and ANOVA was used to test hypothesis four. From the result of the study, hypotheses one, two and four were retained while hypothesis three was rejected. The summary of the study showed that visual and auditory learning styles had no significant relationship with students’ performance in shorthand, kinesthetic learning style had significant relationship with students’ performance in shorthand and there is no significant difference in the performance of students in shorthand based on their learning styles. It was concluded that adopting the appropriate learning style is paramount to how well a students’ performs in shorthand. Based on the findings, four (4) recommendations were made, among which were that shorthand lecturers should take into account their students’ diverse learning styles and design instructional methods that take care of those diversities and remain sensitive to such during the instruction process and that business education students should be encouraged to adopt kinesthetic learning style in learning shorthand in colleges of education in North-west Zone, Nigeria
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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